The British crime drama series Paranoid premiered on November 22, 2016. The show was made by Bill Gallagher, and it has a cast full of famous people. After the first season of Paranoid came out, fans couldn’t wait for the second season to come out. So, when will season 2 of Paranoid start? Or has it been taken off the air? Let’s find out!
Will Paranoid Season 2 Cancel or Renewed?
On November 22, 2016, Paranoid was added to Netflix. It’s been almost six years since the first episode of the show, and we still don’t know if it will be renewed. Most likely, the British crime show has been canceled.
The producers haven’t said anything either about whether or not the show will end. But since the show was supposed to be broken up into eight parts, ITV has probably canceled it.
When Will Paranoid Season 2 Begin?
The second season of Paranoid has not yet been confirmed by ITV. There is no date set for when the new season will come out. This does not mean that the show is over.
Please sign up for updates below if you want to know when the show starts.
Paranoid Season 2 Plot
The British drama-thriller series Paranoid is about a crime. In the show, a group of British detectives tries to figure out who killed a well-known doctor.
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But the case is about a lot more than just the small town of Woodmere. Instead, it is tied to another murder in Germany, and a drug company is also involved. Together, the British and German forces try to find out who killed these people and solve a bigger mystery.
Paranoid Season 2 Cast
The first season of Paranoid had a cast with many big names. Even though there have been rumors that the show will continue, the model for the second season has not been announced.
Indira Varma plays Nina Suresh, Robert Glenister plays Bobby Day, Dino Fetscher plays Alec Wayfield, and Neil Stuke plays Detective Inspector Michael Niles. If the show gets a second season, these actors will likely return. Christiane Paul played Detective Linda Felber, Lesley Sharp played Lucy, Michael Maloney played Dr. Chris Crowley, and Danny Huston played Nick Waingrow.
Paranoid Season 1 Summary
The murder of Angela Benton is the focus of the crime drama thriller Paranoid. She was found dead in a playground in the town of Woodmere. She had been stabbed several times. After this brutal murder, a team of detectives from the Woodmere Police Station comes to look into what happened.
Nina Suresh, Bobby Day, Alec Wayfield, and Michael Niles are all members of this team. As the investigation begins, a list of possible suspects becomes public. Jacob Appley, a local crazy person, is at the top of the list. But soon after, Appley is found dead, which surprises the detectives.
In the meantime, a man they don’t know sends important information to the detectives. Now, the detectives need to solve two mysteries. Ruben Lukana, Angela’s ex-boyfriend, is also on the list of people who might have done it. Niles asks Linda Felber, a detective in Düsseldorf, for help with this case, which is getting more and more confusing.
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Soon, Felber finds out that Lukana was killed, too, because his body is floating in his pool. The German police, led by Felber, is now also part of the investigation. So, who is to blame for all of these killings? Who has been secretly helping the police?
Where to Watch Paranoid Season 2
If you want to know where we can watch paranoid season 2 then Click Here
Paranoid Season 2 Trailer
There hasn’t been a trailer for season 2 of Paranoid yet. This is because we don’t know when the second season will come out or if it will be renewed. You can watch now the Paranoid season 1 trailer below.
The second season of Paranoid has not yet been confirmed by ITV. Since the show was supposed to be broken up into eight parts, ITV has probably canceled it. This does not mean that the show is over though – bookmark for updates below to know when the show starts. There hasn’t been a trailer for season 2 yet because we don’t know when it will come out or if it will be renewed.
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